
Creativ'Up is an initiative involving three cross-border regions: in Hauts-de-France, in Wallonia and in West Flanders.

The cultural and creative sector faces major societal challenges. The Interreg project Creativ'Up wants to strengthen the sector in formulating an answer to these challenges, by supporting (technological) innovation in the cultural and creative sector. The project wants to inspire, network and coach organisations on innovation across borders by developing and testing pilot projects.

Design Drinks Talks 5 december 020
Design Drinks Talks 5 december 011
Logo Creativ Up RVB

The cultural and creative sector has been hit hardest by the COVID-19 crisis. The fragmentation of the sector has led to different rates of adaptation and innovation, creating a structural imbalance. Cross-border cooperation in this promising sector is a source of opportunities to create momentum for territorial development. Cultural and creative industries (hereafter CCI) also play a crucial role in economic, cultural and social terms. It is a sector with great potential for economic recovery, but it is also essential for the upgrading of a region and a strong connection with its inhabitants. As such, the sector can play an important role in accelerating social, environmental and digital transitions in the region. To do this, we need to enable the sector, which is fragmented and often made up of independents and very small businesses competing with large platforms, to reach critical mass by giving it the capacity to innovate.

Creativ' Up, offers a solution to these challenges. Through a structured response, the project will address the challenges of supporting innovation, social, user and technological, and supporting the transition of CCIs. By combining top-down and bottom-up approaches and promoting cross-border cooperation, the project aims to combine the strengths of the regions to address the common challenges of the CCI sector and enable CCIs in the area to activate and strengthen their innovation capacity.

With an innovative cross-border approach, they will stimulate research and development in the CCI sector and develop entrepreneurial skills. The proposed activities bring together the skills, best practices, cultural and technological specificities of the regions and support the transformation (digital, accountable and/or user-based) of the CCIs.

The aim of these activities is to inspire and stimulate the cross-border ecosystem, with the ultimate goal of spreading innovative projects and initiatives for CCIs across the cross-border territory. The focus will be on technological innovation, in particular AI and immersive technologies, blockchain in creative processes, etc., but also on the transformation of economic models (intellectual property, new business models), accessibility of technologies, issues of sustainability and technologies, the role of artists/creators in analysing the societal impact of technologies and transforming their use, etc.

Overall, 105 companies will directly benefit from these initiatives, and the sector as a whole will be able to benefit from the results of the project thanks to the dissemination activities carried out by the project partners. Actions will be organised to promote and disseminate the results of the project, focusing on joint achievements and cross-border cooperation.

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