Living summer school
Van 4 tot 9 september organiseren Eiland Collective van de Designers in Residence Kortrijk 2020 en StartAtK de Living Summer School in Bolwerk, Kortrijk. Een week lang gaan multidisciplinaire studententeams aan de slag met maatschappelijke uitdagingen rond het thema “housing in Kortrijk”. Het is niet alleen een leerrijk en plezant programma, maar het is vooral een unieke ervaring waarbij de jongere generaties gevraagd wordt om mee na te denken over de toekomst van de stad, maar vooral om er actief iets mee te doen en aan te bouwen. Binnen het ruime thema van housing werken ze op vijf heel lokale cases die een uitdaging bieden voor onze stad.
Join us
We’re calling all young activists, entrepreneurs, designers and artists to take part in a one-week summer school (04-10.09) to explore the future of housing in Kortrijk. During the first week of September, 25 selected participants will ideate and prototype 5 interventions that will reflect on a sub-theme, each one held in collaboration with a social impact enterprise. The summer school will be hosted by Bolwerk, in collaboration with Hangar K and the network of Kortrijk’s universities.
Participants will collaborate with local experts, attend guest speakers’ lectures and participate in hands-on workshops, as well as present their projects in a final event with policy and decision makers.
Practical info
The participants will enjoy the open space and atelier of Bolwerk, a cultural free-port in the Eastern part of Kortrijk. They will also explore the surroundings through field trips and have exclusive access to maker spaces across the city.
Price & expenses
The Living Blocks Summer School is free and will always be!
We provide food, education and fun. We can provide full scholarships for Belgian, Italian
and French residents aged 18-30, to cover travel and accommodation expenses.
Students need to be between the ages of 18 and 30, you can be studying or working. You could have a background in: environmental science, social science, art, business, design, innovation, architecture, etc... the more diverse the better! We’re looking for both local and international practitioners and we’ll make special arrangements for anyone travelling from far.
The Summer School will be held in English, but support in Dutch and French will be provided.
Deadline for extended registration (BE/FR/IT): 19 August Notification of selection : 22 August